Academic Senate & Board of Governors

The Academic Senate at Nipissing University plays a crucial role in the governance of the institution and the shaping of its academic policies. Comprising faculty members, administrative staff, and students, it serves as a representative body responsible for making important decisions related to curriculum, academic standards, and other significant academic matters. 

Student representation within the Academic Senate is of paramount importance for several reasons. Firstly, students are the primary stakeholders in any academic institution, and their perspective is invaluable in shaping the educational experience. Having student voices at the table ensures that their needs, concerns, and ideas are taken into account when making decisions that impact them directly.

Furthermore, students offer a unique viewpoint on the practical aspects of academic policies. They understand the day-to-day challenges and opportunities faced by their peers, making them well-equipped to provide insights on issues like curriculum design, course scheduling, or academic support services.

Student representation also fosters a sense of ownership and accountability among the student body. When students see that their peers are actively involved in academic governance, they are more likely to engage in the academic community and advocate for their own interests.

In essence, student representation in Nipissing University's Academic Senate ensures a more inclusive, well-rounded, and responsive academic environment. It helps to maintain the balance between administrative decisions and the genuine needs and aspirations of the student body, ultimately contributing to a more effective and student-centred educational institution.

Emma Bonneau is the Arts and Science Senator
Positions are open and we will be doing a by-election this Fall, 2024.

Elections for these positions take place every March. If these positions are not filled, the by-elections take place in September. 

Academic Senate Meetings
Academic Senate Minutes
Academic Senate Committees

For more information on how to get involved in Student Senate, contact the VP Advocacy & Awareness at

Board of Governors
The Board of Governors is a critical governing body in any university, responsible for making key decisions that influence the institution's overall direction, financial management, and strategic planning. Having student representation on the Board of Governors is not only important but also essential for several compelling reasons.
First and foremost, students are the primary stakeholders in the university community, and they are significantly affected by the decisions made by the Board. Whether it is tuition fees, campus facilities, or policies that directly impact student life, students have a vested interest in the outcomes of these deliberations. Student representatives can ensure that the Board considers the perspectives and concerns of the student body, making the decision-making process more democratic and inclusive.
Student representation also promotes transparency and accountability. When students are present on the Board, it allows for greater scrutiny of decisions, ensuring that they are made in the best interests of the entire university community. Student representatives can serve as a bridge between the administration and their peers, helping to convey the rationale behind decisions and gathering feedback to relay back to the Board.
Moreover, the presence of students on the Board of Governors fosters a culture of civic engagement and leadership. It encourages students to take an active role in shaping the future of their institution, teaches them about governance, and instills a sense of responsibility towards the university's welfare. These experiences can be transformative, preparing students for future leadership roles in their careers and communities.

In summary, student representation on the Board of Governors is vital because it ensures that the decisions made at the university level are more balanced, transparent, and aligned with the needs and aspirations of the student body. It also cultivates a sense of responsibility and active citizenship among students, enriching their educational experience and preparing them for a more engaged and informed future.