
The policies of NUSU are the largest governing documents in terms of size and govern nearly all of NUSU's operations that the By-Laws do not. 

Policies and procedures are more specific than By-Laws and can be changed by the Board of Directors. 

The Nipissing University Student Union is committed to transparency and accountability, and as such, our comprehensive policies are readily available for all students to access. You can find these policies conveniently located in the shared drive folder accessible at the link below.

We strongly encourage every student to take the time to review these policies, as they govern various aspects of student life, from Student Groups (Clubs and Societies) to financial matters and beyond.

If you have any questions or require further clarification on any of our policies, do not hesitate to reach out to us at info@nusu.com.


Your active engagement in understanding and questioning these policies is crucial to ensuring that our student community remains informed and engaged in shaping the NUSU experience.

NUSU Policies