NUSU is a not-for-profit organization funded by a portion of tuition payments from students, referred to as Ancillary Fees.

NUSU utilizes these fees in order to subsidize and fund our programs and services including student programming, events, Orientation Week, Student Groups (Clubs and Societies) and campaign-related activities throughout the course of the Academic Year. See the detailed breakdown of the Ancillary Fees

The Ancillary Fee FAQs and Descriptions page describe categories of permitted Ancillary Fees, including fees for student services provided by the University, services provided by the Nipissing University Student Union (NUSU), specific and limited projects (normally capital projects), and system-wide fees (e.g., fees established through a formal agreement for all Ontario universities such as the University Health Insurance Plan).

If you have any other financial questions, please direct them to the organization’s Treasurer, VP Finance & Administration at

Audited Financial Statements