Mission Statement

As a student-led organization, our mission is to effectively represent and to act in the best interest of all Nipissing University students. We strive to promote academic excellence and social growth through various programming and advocacy in an environment of acceptance, inclusivity, and transparency.

Vision Statement

The Nipissing University Student Union’s vision is to actively improve all aspects of our services, events, campaigns, and programs. NUSU is committed to providing a positive student experience through the core values and representation.

(Mission and Vision Statements approved by the Board of Directors February 1, 2019)

Governing Documents

Governing Documents are the framework and structure of your Student Union. These are the ‘laws’ that the Student Union must adhere to remain accountable and transparent to the membership. 

In the Fall and Winter semesters, we hold a semi-Annual General Meeting. These Annual General Meetings allow us to conduct business, hear from students, and have our Executives give reports about what they have been working on.

NUSU By-Laws

NUSU is a separate organization from Nipissing University and governs itself. The By-Laws of NUSU serve as the most important governing document, setting the parameters to which NUSU must operate within. The By-Laws include information about the Board of Directors and general operations. 

Any changes to NUSU’s By-Lawsb must happen at an Annual General Meeting (AGM). 

These By-Laws were ratified at the March 30th, 2022 Annual General Meeting.


If you have any questions about our policies, please contact the NUSU President at president@nusu.com or Operations Coordinator at info@nusu.com.


NUSU is a not-for-profit organization funded by a portion of tuition payments from students, referred to as Ancillary Fees.

NUSU utilizes these fees in order to subsidize and fund our programs and services including: student programming, events, Orientation Week, student food bank and campaign-related activities throughout the course of the Academic Year. See detailed breakdown of the Ancillary Fees.

The Ancillary Fee FAQs and Descriptions page describes categories of permitted ancillary fees, including fees for student services provided by the University, services provided by the Nipissing University Student Union (NUSU), specific and limited projects (normally capital projects), and system wide fees (e.g., fees established through a formal agreement for all Ontario universities such as the University Health Insurance Plan).

If you have any other financial questions please direct them to Treasurer and VP Finance at vpfinance@nusu.com

Letters Patent

(Articles of Incorporation)
The Letters Patent of the then-named Nipissing University College Student Union serves as the published written declaration of our status as a corporation. The date of incorporation was April 5th, 1988. This was updated on June 30th, 1994 to change the name to the Nipissing University Student Union (NUSU).